Why did calendar made?

By MindStick

Calendars have been used for time monitoring for agricultural and religious purposes since the dawn of humanity.

The lunar cycle, which lasts 29.5 days, was used to create early calendars, which resulted in 12 months of 29-30 days.

The Sumerians developed a lunar calendar around 3500 BC, consisting of 12 months with an extra month added periodically to align with seasonal changes

To track annual Nile River flooding for agriculture, Egyptians devised a lunar & solar calendar, each solar calendar consisting of 12 months & 30 days

The Indian calendar, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization, is a fascinating and complex history, with earliest evidence found at Harappa site.

In 45 BC, Romans adopted Egyptian solar calendar, adding a leap day, renaming months & adding July and August, named after Julius & Augustus Caesar.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII established the Gregorian calendar, a solar calendar with a more precise leap year regulation than the Julian calendar.

However, the history of calendars is complex, evolving to meet diverse cultural needs. Today, the Gregorian calendar is the most widely used worldwide

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