Why were candles invented?

By MindStick

Before electricity, candles were designed as a portable light source for illuminating houses and structures at night.

Religious rites, festivals, and other special events also made use of candles.

Early candles were made from animal fat-soaked rushes, which were cheap and easy to use but quickly burnt and produced a lot of smoke.

It was made of beeswax & other natural waxes were developed by the Ancient Egyptians & Romans to be brighter, endure longer & produce less smoke.

Candlemakers developed creative ways during the Middle Ages, using waxes like tallow, whale oil, spermaceti & embellishing them with carvings & colour

Candle use declined in the 19th century due to kerosene and gas lights, but is now a popular way to add light, warmth, and ambiance to any space.

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