Top 4 health benefits of Chamomile Tea

By MindStick

Chamomile tea is a wonderful herb that works as a natural remedy for many health issues.

It is one of the most popular beverages that offers several health benefits.

Improves Sleep Quantity: It helps to promote good sleep as it contains an antioxidant (apigenin) that reduces chronic ability to sleep.

Promotes digestive health: Chamomile tea gives a soothing effect on the stomach and used for treating many digestive ailment like nausea.

Controls blood sugar: Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to controls the blood sugar level.

Improves heart health: Chamomile tea is rich in flavones and antioxidants that helps in lowering cholesterol level and blood pressure.

These are the top 4 benefits of such a wonderful beverage "Chamomile Tea"

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