ADHD & Its types

By MindStick

ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),a mental disorder in which a child faces difficulty in paying attention, hyperactivity & impulsitivity

People with ADHD suffer from high impulsitivity, hyperactivity and inattentiveness. They become irksome of their own behavior

There are majorly three types of ADHD( Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

TYPE 1 :- Inattentive ADHD: Having symptoms like easily distracted, always being disorganized, poor concentration & difficulty in paying attention

TYPE 2:- Hyperactive-impulsive ADHD: Having symptoms like overactive, restless, extremely impatient and struggles with self control

TYPE 3:- Combined ADHD: In combined ADHD, a child may suffer from both the symptoms combined (type 1 & type 2)

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