10 bizarre rituals of Muslims

By MindStick

Self-flagellation during Muharram in some sects of Shia Islam.

Walking barefoot on burning coals during Urs festival in Sufi Islam.

Piercing the skin, tongue, and cheeks with skewers during Ashura in some regions of the Middle East.

Circumambulating the Kaaba seven times in Mecca during the Hajj pilgrimage.

Animal sacrifice during Eid al-Adha to commemorate the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim.

Observing a 30-day fast during Ramadan from dawn to sunset.

The stoning of the devil ritual, which takes place in Mina, Saudi Arabia during the Hajj pilgrimage.

Sufi whirling dance to achieve spiritual ecstasy.

Wudu is the ritual of cleansing the body parts before prayer.

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