10 important Guinness world records of India

By MindStick

Largest human flag: In 2016, 50,000 Indian nationals gathered in Chennai to create the largest human flag, measuring 1.5 km.

Longest fingernails: Belongs to Shridhar Chillal, who grew his nails for 66 years and had them measured at a total length of 909.6 cm.

Largest biryani: In 2018, Hyderabad broke the record for the largest biryani, weighing in at 12,000 kg.

Largest gathering of people with mustaches: In 2019, over 3,000 people with mustaches gathered in Jaipur to set a new world record.

Largest yoga class: In 2017, 55,000 people gathered in Rajasthan to participate in the largest yoga class ever recorded.

Most hugs given in one hour: In 2016, Ashish Sharma gave 2,436 hugs in one hour, breaking the previous record.

Largest chapati: In 2019, a 63-kg chapati was made in Mumbai, setting a new world record.

Longest dance marathon: In 2011, Kalamandalam Hemaletha set the record for the longest dance marathon, performing Mohiniyattam for 123 hours.

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