When and How Somnath Temple in Gujrat was destructed

By MindStick

The first recorded instance of the destroyed temple was in 725 CE when Arab invaders sacked it.

The most famous destruction of the temple occurred in 1026 CE when Mahmud of Ghazni, a Muslim invader from Afghanistan sacked it.

Mahmud of Ghazni is said to have taken the temple's wealth, including gold, silver, and precious stones, and destroyed its idols and other religious.

Today, the Somnath Temple is a significant pilgrimage site for Hindus and is visited by millions of devotees yearly.

The temple was reconstructed in the 11th century and underwent subsequent renovations and expansions by different rulers.

The Somnath Temple's destruction by Mahmud of Ghazni symbolized Muslim aggression and Hindu resistance and was immortalized in Hindu.

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