Things You May Not Know About Ancient Egypt

By MindStick

Tutankhamun ruled for a decade near the end of the 18th Dynasty after the death of his controversial father Akhenaten.

The Ancient Egyptians created hieroglyphs at the beginning of the 1st Dynasty 3000 BCE, remaining in use until late in the 4th century AD.

Men and women played different roles in Ancient Egyptian society but were equal in the eyes of the law.

Canopic jars were the four vessels used to store and preserve the deceased’s internal organs during mummification and then buried with them.

Ancient Egyptian burial featured embalming and mummification, particularly for nobles, leading officials and the wealthy.

Ancient Egypt used papyrus to create documents and keep records at a time when the rest of the world used stone or clay tablets.

Ancient Egypt had as many as 2000 different religious deities ranging from Osiris the god of the Underworld to Thoth, the god of scribes and knowledge

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