Nitin Gadkari is one of the best politicians in India. He not only earned respect from the public but also people trust him a lot.
He was born in Nagpur City and belongs to a small agricultural family. He clear his Bachelor’s degree and LLB.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, a Postgraduate degree in Commerce, LLB, and a diploma in Business Management.
The seed for Gadkari’s political career was sown in Emergency 1975, joined the BJP Youth wing in 1980 and served as a strong BJP leader in Maharashtra
Gadkari owns a youtube channel, Youtube pays Nitin Gadkari around Rs.4 Lakh per month as royalty.
Nitin Gadkari is around 65 years old and unfortunately, he is a diabetic patient also.
It’s been above 7 years since Modi Government has come into power. Undoubtedly, Nitin Gadkari is the best Minister in Modi’s Cabinet.
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