Top Unknown facts about Nitin Gadkari

By MindStick

Nitin Gadkari is one of the best politicians in India. He not only earned respect from the public but also people trust him a lot.

He was born in Nagpur City and belongs to a small agricultural family. He clear his Bachelor’s degree and LLB.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, a Postgraduate degree in Commerce, LLB, and a diploma in Business Management.

The seed for Gadkari’s political career was sown in Emergency 1975, joined the BJP Youth wing in 1980 and served as a strong BJP leader in Maharashtra

Gadkari owns a youtube channel, Youtube pays Nitin Gadkari around Rs.4 Lakh per month as royalty.

Nitin Gadkari is around 65 years old and unfortunately, he is a diabetic patient also.

It’s been above 7 years since Modi Government has come into power. Undoubtedly, Nitin Gadkari is the best Minister in Modi’s Cabinet.

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