Top 7 Unusual Facts And Stories About Nuns

By MindStick

Sister Bernadette Moriau was diagnosed with chronic sciatica at the age of 27. The spinal sciatic nerve worsened, forcing her to end up in supportive

The Charity Missionaries use the commitment of Mother Teresa to charity as the inspiration for their mission.

Isabella Tomasi joined Sicily convent at the age of 15. Her name changed to Sister Maria Crocifissa Della Concezione once she was accepted

Some researchers suggest that there is an unidentified brain region designed to communicate with God called a “God spot.”

A peculiar salamander lives in Mexico, only about 100 remain in the world in a lake in the Patzcuaro area for which the species is named.

In 1887, 56 scientists from 19 nations were engaged in a project to map the entire night sky.

The oldest monasteries in the world are in Amorgos, a rustic island off the coast of Greece, where the buildings are full of monks and one nun.

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