Showers are Fairly Lengthy – People in the USA shower for thirteen minutes on average.
Morning Showers are Common. The truth is that most people shower in the morning.
People Wash Their Hair A Lot– People wash their hair 5.7 times every week.
People Get Pensive in the Shower. Since the shower is such a great place to relax and unwind, people do their daydreaming while they are under shower
People Like to Croon While They Get Clean – If you enjoy singing, there’s a sixty-three percent chance that you do some crooning in the shower.
Men Don’t Clean Shower Stalls as Much
Women May Worry in the Shower – Many women wear a lot of hats in life.
Showering Isn’t Always a Solo Activity – People who have partners tend to be quite open about sharing their shower time with their significant others.
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