Lesser Known Facts About Ramayana

By MindStick

There are hundreds of versions of Ramayana apart from the original version from Valmiki, with very different narratives

In the original version of Valmiki’s Ramayana, Lord Rama was not a god, the story was central to Sita

Lakshman didn’t sleep at all during the 14 years of exile in an attempt to guard Rama and Sita

Hanuman covered himself with sindoor to keep Lord Rama safe thus the name Bajrangi

Sita managed to lift the Lord Shiva’s bow during her childhood,that’s why King Janak put the condition of breaking the bow at Sita’s Swayamvar

Nandi, the bull, had cursed Ravan that monkeys will become a cause of your destruction

The white stripes on a squirrel’s body are given by Lord Rama

Ravana had seven great warriors sons

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