Muslims Chants Allahu Akbar outside Durga Bhawan temple in United Kingdome
muslim and hindu


Muslims Chants Allahu Akbar outside Durga Bhawan temple in United Kingdome

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Hindus were threatened, their houses were attacked, and the temples were defamed by some Muslims in which some of whom were found to be originated from Pakistan and were directed by the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI).

Attackers are marching towards the Durga Bhawan Hindu Centre on Spon Lane. Some extremists of Islam were raising the slogans of Allahu Akbar. The intention of the Mob seems to be destructing but the slogan they are chanting shows the followers of Islamic Terrorism. 

The clash started on 28 August when India got a fabulous victory in the Asia cricket Cup 2022 played in Dubai against Pakistan. Some of the elements belonging to Pakistan targeted the Indians who were celebrating the victory of the Indian Team.

During the evening time, some perpetrators moved toward the Shiva temple of the town and lowered the flag of the temple in Leicester, UK. The mob, later on, threatened the Hindu families living in the colony. As per the witnessing persons, the Muslims also threw glass bottles and stones into Hindu houses belonging to India.

Muslims Chants Allahu Akbar outside Durga Bhawan temple in United Kingdome

They also pressurised the shopkeeper to not sell anything to the Indian Hindus which later on turned into a hunger situation for Hindu families. The clash is still in continuation and touching the boundaries of other cities.

The genocide of the Kashmiri Pandits is the best embodiment of such a clash that was witnessed by the world. India, including all over the world, is expecting a strict response against the Perpetrators From the newly elected Prime Minister Liz Truss, of the United Kingdom.

Turning the pages of the Britisher’s history we can see several examples of them when they directly supported Pakistan and the Muslim community which also played a key role in the partition of Akhand Bharat into India and Pakistan.

This Islamic Terrorist is all over the world and confiscating the boundaries step by step. We should understand the intention behind their attacks which is to show their supremacy in any state. This is the time we should fight against such terrorism.

Just like America and Israel who cleaned the Islamic terrorism from their Country after 9/11 and also killed the leaders of such attacks, every country should learn the seriousness of Islamic terrorism. A very recent example of America's President Joe Biden confirmed the killing of al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri found in the heart of Afghanistan, Kabul.

Our Indian Commission representing the UK condemned the act of Muslims and also urged the UK government to take strict action against the perpetrators.

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