Do you agree that buddhism is a part of sanatana dharma

7 months ago

Do you agree that buddhism is a part of sanatana dharma

Gautam Buddha, who hailed from a Hindu family, followed the path of sanyas marg, incorporating the principles of yoga from Patanjali Yogsutras

Why Secularism is like cancer in India?
politics, religion

one year ago

Why Secularism is like cancer in India?

Views on secularism that were forced forcibly on the constitution, which is unfortunately followed by one community. Injustice towards Hindus.

What Is The Scientific Meaning Of Namaste ?

3 years ago

What Is The Scientific Meaning Of Namaste ?

What Is Namaste ? The word Namaste is used to greet the guest and the revered. The use of Namaste in Indian culture is generally considered appropriate, but due