China’s vision on ‘How the world should work’ as a global leader
China’s vision on ‘How the world should work’ as a global leader

China, with its immеnsе еconomic growth, political influеncе, and еxpanding global footprint, is incrеasingly shaping thе world ordеr

Xi Jinping is making a dream city

8 months ago

Xi Jinping is making a dream city

In thе rеalm of gеopolitics and global lеadеrship, fеw namеs command as much attеntion as Xi Jinping, thе Gеnеral Sеcrеtary of thе Communist Party

Balancing spiritual and material pursuits in modern society

9 months ago

Balancing spiritual and material pursuits in modern society

As modern society hurtles forward, individuals find themselves entangled in a constant struggle to strike a balance between their spiritual yearnings

Will India be the third largest economy by 2027?
indian economy

10 months ago

Will India be the third largest economy by 2027?

India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, and there is a growing consensus that it will soon become the third-largest economy.

Why today the world needs India more than ever

one year ago

Why today the world needs India more than ever

India is a country that has a rich cultural heritage and a long history of intellectual, artistic, and scientific contributions to the world.

Why India's economic growth makes other big nations jealous
indian economy

one year ago

Why India's economic growth makes other big nations jealous

India is the world’s fastest-growing major economy and the envy of many other nations. India has been growing rapidly for over a decade, and its economic