Is India population increasing good or bad- 2023 view
indian economy


Is India population increasing good or bad- 2023 view

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India is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a population of over 1.3 billion people. The population growth rate in India has been a topic of debate for many years, with some arguing that a growing population is good for the country's economic and social development, while others argue that it leads to resource depletion, environmental degradation, and social problems. In this article, we will examine the pros and cons of a growing population in India.

Pros of Increasing Population:

Human Resources: One of the biggest advantages of a growing population is the increase in the workforce. With a larger population, there are more people available to work, which can lead to economic growth and development. This increase in the workforce can lead to an increase in productivity, which can lead to increased income levels for individuals and the country as a whole.

Market Size: A growing population can also lead to an increase in the size of the market. With more people, there is a greater demand for goods and services, which can lead to increased production and sales. This increase in demand can stimulate economic growth and development.

Cultural Diversity: A growing population can also lead to an increase in cultural diversity. With more people from different backgrounds, there can be greater tolerance and understanding of different cultures, which can lead to social and cultural enrichment.

Cons of Increasing Population:

Resource Depletion: A growing population can put a strain on natural resources, leading to depletion and environmental degradation. With more people, there is greater demand for food, water, and energy, which can lead to overuse and depletion of these resources.

Infrastructure: A growing population can also put a strain on infrastructure, such as transportation, housing, and healthcare. With more people, there is greater demand for these services, which can lead to overcrowding, inadequate infrastructure, and decreased access to basic services.

Unemployment: A growing population can also lead to unemployment, as there may not be enough jobs to accommodate the growing workforce. This can lead to poverty and social problems, as people struggle to make ends meet.

My point of view: 

Increasing population for India is always perilous as it now stands second in the populace development. Increasing population causes awkwardness in livings and economy of country. As a result, there is less production than there is population. The essential requirements of the Increasing population may not get satisfied which likewise inturn increments neediness.

Subsequently, many such factors which makes our country to need behind different nations rises.

The majority of children will have to endure unemployment, which will increase alongside poverty. This can cause stress, depression, and even something very dangerous to their lives.

In this manner, alongside the public authority , we at individual level ought to likewise anticipate beat these issues then and really at that time we can carry on with life the fullest and can have our country 's status.

Economic growth can benefit from a large and inexpensive labor force as a result of population growth, particularly in manufacturing and the service industries. India has a demographic dividend, which means that it has a large number of young people and people of working age who can help the economy.

The domestic market size and consumer demand can also grow as a result of population growth, which can encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. Because it has a large and diverse middle class with rising incomes and aspirations, India has a huge potential for domestic consumption.

Growth in the population can also make it harder to provide essential infrastructure and services like health care, education, housing, sanitation, transportation, and energy. India's population's well-being and quality of life are negatively impacted by the large gap between demand and supply for these services.

The country's environment and natural resources, including forests, water, air, and biodiversity, can also be strained by population growth. Due to overexploitation and mismanagement of its resources, India faces issues with degrading land, a lack of water, air pollution, deforestation, and the loss of wildlife.

The country's social and cultural fabric, including gender relations, family structures, religious diversity, and social cohesion, can also be impacted by population growth. India's society is diverse and complex, with a variety of languages, religions, castes, ethnicities, and regions. Growth in the population can present challenges for social justice and equity as well as opportunities for social integration and harmony.

In conclusion, a growing population in India has both advantages and disadvantages. While a larger population can lead to an increase in human resources, market size, and cultural diversity, it can also lead to resource depletion, inadequate infrastructure, and unemployment. The government and society must work together to ensure that the benefits of a growing population are maximized while minimizing the negative impacts. This can be achieved through sustainable development practices, such as resource management, infrastructure development, and education and skill development. By addressing these issues, India can ensure that its growing population leads to a prosperous and sustainable future.

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