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Where is Evil Maulana Mohammad Saad Hiding ?
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Where is the evil mastermind Maulana Mohammad Saad? He is the main conspirator of the Nizamuddin Tablighi Jamaat Markaz Coronavirus case. It is evidently proven by his released and not leaked audio clip where once he brainwashes the Muslim people and make them get infected with COVID-19 and die in a mosque in the name of Allah and then on the second time takes a complete fraudulent U-turn and tells them to stay safe at home and follow the directions of the government and doctors against whom these jihadi virus sleeper cells spat and disobeyed making others life at risk.
The head of Tablighi Jamaat, Maulana Saad, on Thursday morning, in a sound message, engaged his devotees to follow the rules set by the administration to battle Coronavirus, remain at home, keep away from swarms, adhere to lockdown rules and tune in to specialists' recommendation.
In his sound message, the Maulana has said that he was by and by in purposeful isolation mode as of now. The Jamaat boss had gone underground for the most recent three days. I express gratitude toward him for his allure. He should be that as it may, offer to his supporters to illuminate specialists about their whereabouts, get their wellbeing screened and abstain from getting out of hand with specialists and attendants.
There have been reports of stone pelting at specialists, medical attendants and police officers in Ahmedabad, Indore, and Bihar when they had gone there to follow the people whom the Tablighi supporters had reached. This is condemnable and the Jamaat boss should speak to individuals to rehearse limitations.
On the Coronavirus front, the most exceedingly awful dread was demonstrated right on Thursday. Pandemic updates in India shot up steeply, invalidating the additions that were recorded during the across the country lockdown. The administration needed to break the infection chain, yet with 6,000 Tablighi Jamaat adherents spreading across India, the pandemic has now struck more individuals. In Tamil Nadu alone, all the 110 cases gave an account of Thursday identified with Jamaat adherents.
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Several Tablighi devotees are by and by stowing away inside mosques in Delhi and different states. Tablighi Jamaat devotees who were taken into isolate in Delhi began spitting on clinic floors and nursing staff and got out of hand with specialists.
With everything taken into account, a sorry situation. A few driving Muslim residents rang me up on Thursday to persuade me that the Tablighi Jamaat was totally objective, and its solitary work was to spread Islam. They stated, Jamaat supporters are not terrible and they generally steer away from governmental issues and fights.
We should let them know that engendering Islam was okay, however, putting the lives of thousands of individuals in danger was inexcusable. All things considered, individuals from the Muslim people group will experience the ill effects of this lethal infection, on the grounds that these Jamaat adherents for the most part blend in with Muslims.
Their boss Maulana Saad lied a few times and transparently opposed rules for social separating. They deluded the legislature by acquiring vacationer visas for outsiders, while they had come to India as preachers but were in turn virus jihad sleeper cells working against India and humanity. They are spitting against doctors and police who are working to save them only but a lobby of sick-minded left, liberal people are working in order to save them being an apologist.

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